Monday, 29 June 2009

Church rave

I know this is old but still funny, i think it was made by airloaf, music andy c

Friday, 26 June 2009

The Letter is N

This week of the Martin and Lewis radio show, the letter 'N' is the focus for our educational show with speacial guest Lew Lake Snr whose colourful opinions could make or break this entire operation.

On the Radio with Martin and Lewis - Esp 14 Letter N

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Who you gonna call?

Can't Believe I missed this, was a big fan as a kid, the 'video game' looks cool.

For a Review of the Game, click here to visit gamespot uk

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland directed by Tim Burton, stars Johnny Deep, Anne Hathaway, Matt Lucas, Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry and Helena Bonham Carter to be released in both traditional and 3-D format on March 12 2010.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

iPhone Brushes

iPhone Brushes is a painting app, which is becoming lastest craze, heres some favs...


artist - morgantj - clown fish

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Films set in the future

These 3 film trailers are new films coming soon, which are set in the future, drama/action/sci fi.




Monday, 15 June 2009

The Letter is M

The Martin and Lewis show, this weeks show is about the letter M, still haven't found the missing K but special guest Emma returns for a chat involving martians and the well as the Jonas Brothers.

On the Radio with Martin and Lewis - Esp 13 Letter M

Sunday, 14 June 2009


This is quality, looks like soo much fun to play drums, for more check ocdrumxkid

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


ROWNTREES RANDOMS® advert, beat boxing random jokes, video for their comp, check out the ending, looks like whitgift centre

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Hammer time

group of dancers crash trendy store, check ol' dude w/ head band legend!!!

Monday, 8 June 2009

New Dubstep track

New Dubstep track - Kito - LFO (Ft. Reija Lee), my fav tune at the moment, up coming group from Australia, this is not the official video for the track, but needs to be heard. For more check this is Kito

Cleveland Show

If you watch family guy, u'll know cleveland, well heres the trailer to his new show, coming soon.

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Toy Story

Toy Story 3 teaser trailer, coming out 2010

Friday, 5 June 2009

The Letter is L

Another great installment to the Martin and Lewis show, this time the show is about the letter L, if your following you may notice, this should by K, but due to tech problems we have L first, we've been promised K soon, to complete the series.

On the Radio with Martin and Lewis - Esp 12 Letter L

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Mod Nation Racers

My fav thing from Sony's 2009 E3 Press Event is def Mod Nation Racers, must get game, imagion mario kart customized, when showcased it was coined as 'Little Big Planet' racer. You can create the tracks, play, share with others online, even mod other peoples tracks, looks really fun. check the footage of showcase below, filmed by someone at the show, I'm sure more vids will appear online, excellent game!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

E3 2009

E3 2009 started yesterday, which is a games expo, which started today with conferences from microsoft, ubisoft and e.a. Showcasing new games and products, like assassin creed 2, metal gear, halo, modern warfare 2, and more.

Project natal, a new product for xbox 360, which is 'no controller gaming', a voice and body movement recognition device. Looking like big competition for the Wii and has massive potential. Looks really cool for virtual world gaming and its more active than controller gaming, check the vid.

New Tony Hawks game, which played by motion skate board.

Nintendo and Sony conferences are today, which includes the new psp go and more unreleased products/games.

E3 2009 expo

Monday, 1 June 2009

Polaroid 2

Remember the ol' Polaroid cameras, where you could take a photo and then simiply print it on the spot. Recently lauched on to the market, is Polaroid 2, a digital and compact verison of the first. Only 5mp but does have the sell point of printing on the go, for the more fun casual shot.